Journal Club

Neuro Sciences

Neuro Sciences

[Active Virtual Reality Games Reduce Pain Sensitivity in Young, Healthy Adults]
Evans, et al. : Front Virtual Real, 2: 772293 (2021)

[Leap motion controlled video game-based therapy for upper limb rehabilitation in patients with Parkinson's disease: a feasibility study]
Fernandez-Gonzalez P, et al. : J Neuroeng Rehabil, 16(1): 133 (2019)

[The value of corticospinal excitability and intracortical inhibition in predicting motor skill improvement driven by action observation]
Nuara A, et al. : Neuroimage, 266: 119825 (2023)

[Virtual prism adaptation for spatial neglect: A double-blind study]
Bourgeois A, et al. : Neuropsychol Rehabil, 32(6): 1033-1047 (2022)

[An experimental study to identify key psychological mechanisms that promote and predict resilience in the aftermath of treatment for breast cancer]
Gordon R, et al. : Psychooncology, 31(2): 198-206 (2022)

[Virtual Reality Action Observation and Motor Imagery to Enhance Neuroplastic Capacity in the Human Motor Cortex: A Pilot Double-blind, Randomized Cross-over Trial]
Connelly N, et al. : Neuroscience, 549: 92-100 (2024)

[Do somatosensory deficits predict efficacy of neurorehabilitation using neuromuscular electrical stimulation for moderate to severe motor paralysis of the upper limb in chronic stroke?]
Tsuzuki K, et al. : Ther Adv Neurol Disord, 14: 17562864211039335 (2021)

[Behavioural indexes of movement imagery ability are associated with the magnitude of corticospinal adaptation following movement imagery training]
Yoxon E, et al. : Brain Res, 1777: 147764 (2022)

[Clinically significant changes in pain along the Pain Intensity Numerical Rating Scale in patients with chronic low back pain]
Suzuki H, et al. : PLoS One, 15(3): e0229228 (2020)

[Upper limb use differs among people with varied upper limb impairment levels early post-stroke: a single-site, cross-sectional, observational study]
Chin LF, et al. : Top Stroke Rehabil, 27(3): 224-235 (2020)

[Social anxiety, behavioural activation and depression risk in older men: protection through Men's Shed membership]
Clarke JJ, et al. : Health Promot Int, 38(6): daad180(2020)

[Moderate to severe acute pain disturbs motor cortex intracortical inhibition and facilitation in orthopedic trauma patients: A TMS study]
Jodoin M, et al. : J Gen Intern Med, 15(3): e0226452 (2020)

[Randomized Controlled Trial of Brief Mindfulness Training and Hypnotic Suggestion for Acute Pain Relief in the Hospital Setting]
Garland EL, et al. : Sci Rep, 32(10): 1106-1113 (2017)

[Effect of immersive virtual mirror visual feedback on Mu suppression and coherence in motor and parietal cortex in stroke]
Chang WK, et al. : Sci Rep, 13(1): 12514 (2023)

[Improving motor activity assessment in depression: which sensor placement, analytic strategy and diurnal time frame are most powerful in distinguishing patients from controls and monitoring treatment effects]
Reichert M, et al. : PLoS One, 10(4): e0124231 (2015)

[A novel form of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for the reduction of dysesthesias caused by spinal nerve dysfunction: A case series]
Nishi Y, et al. : Front Hum Neurosci, 16: 937319 (2022)

[Virtual reality and motor imagery for early post-stroke rehabilitation]
Choy CS, et al. : Biomed Eng Online, 22(1): 66 (2023)

[The effect of mirror therapy in patients with frozen shoulder]
Hekim Ö, et al. : Shoulder Elbow, 15(2): 218-227 (2023)

[The effect of combining action observation in virtual reality with kinesthetic motor imagery on cortical activity]
Lakshminarayanan K, et al. : Front Neurosci, 17: 1201865 (2023)

[Biopsychosocial Aspects in Individuals with Acute and Chronic Rotator Cuff Related Shoulder Pain: Classification Based on a Decision Tree Analysis]
Haik MN, et al. : Diagnostics (Basel), 10(11): 928 (2020)

[Multimodal Mental Practice Versus Repetitive Task Practice Only to Treat Chronic Stroke: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study]
Page SJ, et al. : Am J Occup Ther, 75(6): 7506205020 (2021)

[Prism adaptation power on spatial cognition: adaptation to different optical deviations in healthy individuals]
Michel C, et al. : Neurosci Lett, 590: 145-149 (2015)

[Validity of a Fully-Immersive VR-Based Version of the Box and Blocks Test for Upper Limb Function Assessment in Parkinson's Disease]
Oña ED, et al. : Sensors (Basel), 20(10): 2773 (2020)

[Efficacy of attention bias modification combined with cognitive behavioral therapy for reducing anxiety in patients with hematopoietic malignancies: a quasi-randomized controlled trial]
Koizumi K, et al. : J Affect Disord Rep, 4: 100122 (2021)

[Effects of Visual Flow Alterations on Psychophysiological Responses to Virtual Reality Exercise]
Yasukawa K, et al. : Percept Mot Skills, 128(3): 1169-1182 (2021)

[Effects of Exercise-Induced Hypoalgesia at Different Aerobic Exercise Intensities in Healthy Young Adults]
Niwa Y, et al. : J Pain Res, 15: 3615-3624 (2022)

[Do Men and Women Have a Different Association between Fear-Avoidance and Pain Intensity in Chronic Pain? An Experience Sampling Method Cohort-Study]
Waardenburg S, et al. : J Clin Med, 11(19): 5515 (2022)

[Ego- and allocentric visuospatial neglect: Dissociations, prevalence, and laterality in acute stroke]
Demeyere N, et al. : Neuropsychology, 33(4): 490-498 (2019)

[Carpal tunnel surgery dampens thalamocortical and normalizes corticocortical functional connectivity]
Osborne NR, et al. : Brain Commun, 4(5): fcac237 (2022)

[The Role of Positive Psychological Factors in the Association between Pain Intensity and Pain Interference in Individuals with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain: A Cross-Sectional Study]
Martinez-Calderon J, et al. : J Clin Med, 9(10): 3252 (2020)

[Effects of Adding Motor Imagery to Early Physical Therapy in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis who Had Received Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Randomized Clinical Trial]
Briones-Cantero M, et al. : Pain Med, 21(12): 3548-3555 (2020)

[Sensorimotor experience in virtual reality enhances sense of agency associated with an avatar]
Kong G, et al. : Conscious Cogn, 52: 115-124 (2017)

[Cognitive function after electroconvulsive therapy for depression: relationship to clinical response]
Anderson IM, et al. : Psychol Med, 51(10): 1647-1656 (2021)

[The Clinical Findings Useful for Driving Safety Advice for Parkinson's Disease Patients]
Ando R, et al. : Intern Med, 57(14): 1977-1982 (2018)

[Motor Imagery: How to Assess, Improve Its Performance, and Apply It for Psychosis Diagnostics]
Chepurova A, et al. : Diagnostics (Basel), 12(4): 949 (2022)

[Autonomic Nervous System Function and Central Pain Processing in People With Frozen Shoulder: A Case-control Study]
Mertens MG, et al. : Clin J Pain, 38(11): 659-669 (2022)

[The impact of mirror therapy on body schema perception in patients with complex regional pain syndrome after distal radius fractures]
Kotiuk V, et al. : Br J Pain, 13(1): 35-42 (2019)

[Effects of standing and walking training using a laser pointer based on stimulus-driven attention for behavioural outcome in spatial neglect: A single-case study]
Fukata K, et al. : Neuropsychol Rehabil, 32(10): 2519-2533 (2022)

[Occupational Therapy in the ICU: A Scoping Review of 221 Documents]
Costigan FA, et al. : Crit Care Med, 47(12): e1014-e1021 (2019)

[Observation and motor imagery balance tasks evaluation: An fNIRS feasibility study.]
Almulla L, et al. : PLoS One, 17(3): e0265898 (2022)

[Sensorimotor adaptation in VR: magnitude and persistence of the aftereffect increase with the number of interactions.]
Wähnert S, et al. : Virtual Reality, 26: 1217-1225 (2022)

[Pain Catastrophizing and Pain-related Emotions Influence of Age and Type of Pain.]
Ruscheweyh R, et al. : Clin J Pain, 27(7): 275-586 (2011)

[Comparison of virtual reality rehabilitation and conventional rehabilitation in Parkinson’s disease: a randomised controlled trial.]
Pazzaglia C, et al. : Physiotherapy, 106: 36-42 (2020)

[Effects of Cognitive Bias Modification Training via Smartphones.]
Yang R, et al. : Front Psychol, 8: 1370 (2017)

[Moderate to severe acute pain disturbs motor cortex intracortical inhibition and facilitation in orthopedic trauma patients: A TMS study.]
Jodoin M, et al. : PLoS One, 15(3): e0226452 (2020)

[Chronic Pain in Older Adults: A Neuroscience-Based Psychological Assessment and Treatment Approach.]
Yarns BC, et al. : Am J Geriatr Psychiatry, S1064-7481(22)00480-8 (2022)

[Preoperative pain mechanisms assessed by cuff algometry are associated with chronic postoperative pain relief after total knee replacement.]
Petersen KK, et al. : Pain, 157(7): 1400-1406 (2016)

[Prism Adaptation Treatment of Spatial Neglect: Feasibility During Inpatient Rehabilitation and Identification of Patients Most Likely to Benefit.]
Gillen RW, et al. : Front Neurol, 13: 803312 (2022)

[Is psychological distress associated with carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms and nerve conduction study findings? A case-control study from Syria.]
Alsharif A, et al. : Brain Behav, 12(2): e2493 (2022)

[Time Course of Wrist Hyper-Resistance in Relation to Upper Limb Motor Recovery Early Post Stroke.]
Andringa A, et al. : Neurorehabil Neural Repair, 34(8): 690-701 (2020)

[Research on Rehabilitation Training Strategies Using Multimodal Virtual Scene Stimulation.]
Xie P, et al. : Front Aging Neurosci, 14: 892178 (2022)

[Acquisition of chopstick-operation skills with the non-dominant hand and concomitant changes in brain activity.]
Sawamura D, et al. : Sci Rep, 9(1): 20397 (2019)

[Upregulating excitability of corticospinal pathways in stroke patients using TMS neurofeedback; A pilot study.]
Liang WD, et al. : Neuroimage Clin, 28: 102465 (2020)

[Retrospective study of effect of whole-body vibration training on balance and walking function in stroke patients.]
Xie L, et al. : World J Clin Cases, 9(22): 6268-6277 (2021)

[Microvascular dysfunction and neurovascular uncoupling are exacerbated in peripheral artery disease, increasing the risk of cognitive decline in older adults.]
Owens CD, et al. : Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 322(6): H924-H935 (2021)

[Conditioned Pain Modulation Is Not Impaired in Individuals with Frozen Shoulder: A Case-Control Study.]
Aguilar-Rodriguez M, et al. : Int J Environ Res Public Health, 18(23): 12330 (2021)

[Measurement Properties of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure: A Systematic Review.]
Ohno K, et al. : Am J Occup Ther, 75(6): 7506205100 (2021)

[Motor imagery and action observation following immobilization-induced hypoactivity: A narrative review.]
Rannaud Monany D, et al. : Ann Phys Rehabil Med, 65(4): 101541 (2021)

[Does mental practice or mirror therapy help prevent functional loss after distal radius fracture? A randomized controlled trial.]
Korbus H, et al. : J Hand Ther, 35(1): 86-96 (2022)

[Impact of the robotic-assistance level on upper extremity function in stroke patients receiving adjunct robotic rehabilitation: sub-analysis of a randomized clinical trial.]
Takebayashi T, et al. : J Neuroeng Rehabil, 19(1): 25 (2022)

[Are There Abnormalities in Peripheral and Central Components of Somatosensory Evoked Potentials in Non-Specific Chronic Low Back Pain?]
Puta C, et al. : Front Hum Neurosci, 10: 521 (2016)

[Evaluation of a Web-Based Cognitive Rehabilitation Program in Cancer Survivors Reporting Cognitive Symptoms After Chemotherapy]
Bray VJ, et al. : J Clin Oncol, 35(2): 217-225 (2017)

[Factor analysis of responses to thermal, electrical, and mechanical painful stimuli supports the importance of multi-modal pain assessment]
Neziri AY, et al. : Pain, 152(5): 1146-1155 (2011)

[The Relationship Between Corticomotor Reorganization and Acute Pain Severity: A Randomized, Controlled Study Using Rapid Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Mapping.]
Cavaleri R, et al. : Pain Med, 22(6): 1312-1323 (2021)

[Integrity of medial temporal structures may predict better improvement of spatial neglect with prism adaptation treatment.]
Chen P, et al. :Brain Imaging Behav, 8(3): 346-358 (2014)

[Visual but Not Auditory-Verbal Feedback Induces Aftereffects Following Adaptation to Virtual Prisms.]
Bourgeois A, et al. : Front Neurosci,15: 658353 (2021)

[Virtual Reality Rehabilitation Versus Conventional Physical Therapy for Improving Balance and Gait in Parkinson's Disease Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial]
Feng H, et al. : Med Sci Monit, 25: 4186-4192 (2019)

[Modifiable Lifestyle Factors and Cognitive Function in Older People: A Cross-Sectional Observational Study]
Kimura N, et al. : Front Neurol, 10: 401 (2019)

[Efects of virtual reality-based motor control training on infammation, oxidative stress, neuroplasticity and upper limb motor function in patients with chronic stroke: a randomized controlled trial]
Huang CY, et al. : BMC Neurol, 22(1): 21 (2022)

[Effects of a single mental chronometry training session in subacute stroke patients - a randomized controlled trial]
Liepert J, et al. : BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabil, 12: 66 (2020)

[Prevalence of cognitive impairment and its relation to mental health in Danish lymphoma survivors]
Mariegaard J, et al. : Support Care Cancer, 29(6): 3319-3328 (2021)

[Prognostic Value of Pain Sensitization During Early Recovery After Distal Radius Fracture in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome]
Roh YH, et al. : Pain Med, 20(6): 1066-1071 (2019)

[Prefrontal Cortex Activation During Dual Task With Increasing Cognitive Load in Subacute Stroke Patients: A Pilot Study]
Hermand E et al. : Front Aging Neurosci, 11: 160 (2019)

[Mental individuation of imagined finger movements can be achieved using TMS-based neurofeedback]
Mihelj E et al. : Neuroimage, 242: 118463 (2021)

[Pain-related beliefs are associated with arm function in persons with frozen shoulder]
De Baets L et al. : Shoulder Elbow, 12(6): 432-440 (2020)

[Feasibility and preliminary efficacy of a combined virtual reality, robotics and electrical stimulation intervention in upper extremity stroke rehabilitation]
Norouzi-Gheidari N et al. : J Neuroeng Rehabil, 18(1): 61 (2021)

[Experimental Hand and Knee Pain Cause Differential Effects on Corticomotor Excitability]
Rice DA et al. : J Pain, 22(7): 789-796 (2021)

[Influence of Visual Stimulation-Induced Passive Reproduction of Motor Images in the Brain on Motor Paralysis After Stroke]
Aoyama T et al. : Front Hum Neurosci, 15: 674139 (2021)

[Precision pinch force control via brain and spinal motor neuron excitability during motor imagery]
Fukumoto Y et al. : Neurosci Lett, 754: 135843 (2021)

[Fear of pain, pain catastrophizing, and acute pain perception: relative prediction and timing of assessment]
Hirsh AT et al. : J Pain, 9(9): 806-812 (2008)

[A novel fully immersive virtual reality environment for upper extremity rehabilitation in patients with stroke]
Mekbib DB et al. : Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1943(1): 75-89 (2021)

[Cognitive function in long-term lymphoma survivors: relationship between subjective reports and objective assessments and with quality of life.]
Muzzatti B et al. : Psychol Health Med, 26(8): 968-979 (2021)

[Application of digital practice to improve head movement, visual perception and activities of daily living for subacute stroke patients with unilateral spatial neglect: Preliminary results of a single-blinded, randomized controlled trial.]
Choi HS et al. : Medicine (Baltimore), 100(6): e24637 (2021)

[Patients with lesions to the intraparietal cortex show greater proprioceptive realignment after prism adaptation: Evidence from open-loop pointing and manual straight ahead.]
Bultitude JH et al. : Neuropsychologia, 158: 107913 (2021)

[Mirror Visual Feedback-Induced Performance Improvement and the Influence of Hand Dominance.]
Rjosk V et al. : Front Hum Neurosci, 9: 702 (2015)

[Decreased Range of Motion After Total Knee Arthroplasty Is Predicted by the Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia]
Brown ML et al. : J Arthroplasty, 31(4): 793-797 (2016)

[Pain, No Gain: Acute Pain Interrupts Motor Imagery Processes and Affects Mental Training-Induced Plasticity]
Neige C et al. : Cereb Cortex, Online ahead of print (2021)

[Cognitive dysfunction among newly diagnosed older patients with hematological malignancy: frequency, clinical indicators and predictors.]
Aiki S et al. : Jpn J Clin Oncol, 48(1): 61-67 (2018)

[Robot-assisted gait training to reduce pusher behavior: A randomized controlled trial]
Bergmann J et al. : Neurology, 91(14): e1319-e1327 (2018)

[Aerobic exercise or stretching as add-on to inpatient treatment of depression: Similar antidepressant effects on depressive symptoms and larger effects on working memory for aerobic exercise alone]
Imboden C et al. : J Affect Disord, 276: 866-876 (2020)

[Intentional gaze shift to neglected space: a compensatory strategy during recovery after unilateral spatial neglect.]
Takamura Y et al. :Brain, 139(11): 2970-2982 (2016)

[Prism adaptation treatment to address spatial neglect in an intensive rehabilitation program: A randomized pilot and feasibility trial.]
Vilimovsky T et al. : PLoS One, 16(1): e0245425 (2021)

[Development and Testing of a Virtual Reality Mirror Therapy System for the Sensorimotor Performance of Upper Extremity: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial.]
Hayashi K et al. : IEEE, 9 (2021)

[Associations among pain catastrophizing, muscle strength, and physical performance after total knee and hip arthroplasty.]
Hayashi K et al. : World J Orthop, 8(4): 336-341 (2017)

[Anxiety and Depression in Patients with Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study.]
Lim SW et al. : PLoS One, 12(1): e0169623 (2017)

[Optical illusion alters M1 excitability after mirror therapy: a TMS study.]
Läppchen CH et al. : J Neurophysiol, 108(10): 2857-2861 (2012)

[Observing Actions through Immersive Virtual Reality Enhances Motor Imagery Training.]
Choi JW et al. : IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng, 28(7): 1614-1622 (2020)

[‘Virtual lesion’ in pain research; a study on magnetic stimulation of the primary motor cortex.]
Granovsky Y et al. : Eur J Pain, 20(2): 241-249 (2016)

[Influence of Post-Stroke Depression on Functional Independence in Activities of Daily Living.]
Ezema CI et al. : Ethiop J Health Sci (2019)

[Stroke Patient with Mirror Movement of the Affected Hand Due to an Ipsilateral Motor Pathway Confirmed by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A Case Report.]
Etoh S et al. : Int J Neurosci (2010)

[How Does Preoperative Central Sensitization Affect Quality of Life Following Total Knee Arthroplasty?]
Koh IJ et al. : J Arthroplasty (2020)

[Machine Learning?Based Model for Prediction of Outcomes in Acute Stroke.]
Heo J et al. : Stroke (2019)

[Effect of Cutaneous Heat Pain on Corticospinal Excitability of the Tibialis Anterior at Rest and during Submaximal Contraction.]
Billot M et al. : Neural Plast (2019)

[Effect of brain-computer interface training based on non-invasive electroencephalography using motor imagery on functional recovery after stroke - a systematic review and meta-analysis.]
Kruse A et al. : BMC Neurol, 20(1):385(2020)

[Post-chemotherapy cognitive impairment in patients with B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma: a first comprehensive approach to determine cognitive impairments after treatment with rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisone or rituximab and bendamustine.]
Zimmer P et al. : Leuk Lymphoma, 56(2):347-352(2015)

[Dissociation between cortical and spinal excitability of the antagonist muscle during combined motor imagery and action observation.]
Aoyama T et al. : Sci Rep, 9(1), (2019)

[Aerobic Exercise Therapy in Ambulatory Patients With ALS: A Randomized Controlled Trial.]
van Groenestijn AC et al. : Neurorehabil Neural Repair, 33(2): 153-164(2019)

[Prism Adaptation Modulates Connectivity of the Intraparietal Sulcus with Multiple Brain Networks.]
Schintu S et al. : Cereb Cortex, 30(9): 4747-4758(2020)

[A controlled clinical trial of preoperative pain neuroscience education for patients about to undergo total knee arthroplasty.]
Louw A et al. : Clin Rehabil, 33(11): 1722-1731(2019)

[Prospective comparison of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) and the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) in geriatric oncology.]
Rambeau A et al. : J Geriatr Oncol, 10(2): 235-240(2019)

[Reliability and Validity of the Japanese Version of the Kinesthetic and Visual Imagery Questionnaire (KVIQ).]
Nakano H et al. : Brain Sci, 8(5), (2015)

[The difference in cortical activation pattern for complex motor skills: A functional near- infrared spectroscopy study.]
Lee SH et al. : Sci Rep, 9(1): 14066(2019)

[Neural Efficiency and Acquired Motor Skills: An fMRI Study of Expert Athletes.]
Zhang L et al. : Front Psychol, 10: 2752(2019)

[Motor cortical plasticity induced by motor learning through mental practice.]
Avanzino L et al. : Front Behav Neurosci, 9: 105(2015)

[Specific and general adaptations following motor imagery practice focused on muscle strength in total knee arthroplasty rehabilitation: A randomized controlled trial.]
Paravlic AH et al. : PLoS One, 14(8)(2019)

[Factors associated with preschool workers' willingness to continue working.]
Tayama J et al. : Medicine (Baltimore), 97(49)(2018)

[Quantitative Assessment of Hand Spasticity After Stroke: Imaging Correlates and Impact on Motor Recovery.]
Plantin J et al. : Front Neurol, 10: 836(2019)

[Prefrontal brain function in children with anorexia nervosa: a near-infrared spectroscopy study.]
Nagamitsu S et al. : Brain Dev, 33(1): 35-44(2011)

[Age-dependent brain volume and neuropsychological changes after chemotherapy in breast cancer patients.]
Blommaert J et al. : Hum Brain Mapp, 40(17): 4994-5010(2019)

[Electrophysiological and clinical evaluation of the effects of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on the spasticity in the hemiplegic stroke patients.]
Karakoyun A et al. : J Phys Ther Sci, 27(11): 3407-3411(2015)

[Simulated prism exposure in immersed virtual reality produces larger prismatic after-effects than standard prism exposure in healthy subjects.]
Ramos AA et al. : PLoS One, 14(5): e0217074(2019)

[Inhibition or facilitation? Modulation of corticospinal excitability during motor imagery.]
Bruno V et al. : Neuropsychologia, 111: 360-368(2018)

[In vivo model of muscle pain: quantification of intramuscular chemical, electrical, and pressure changes associated with saline-induced muscle pain in humans.]
Graven-Nielsen T et al. : Pain, 69(1-2): 137-143(1997)

[Effect of Delirium and Other Major Complications on Outcomes After Elective Surgery in Older Adults.]
Gleason LJ et al. : JAMA Surg, 150(12): 1134-1140(2015)

[Post-Stroke Depression.]
Ibrahimagic OC et al. : Mater Sociomed, 31(1): 31-34(2019)

[Influence of psychological factors on grip strength.]
Watson J et al. : J Hand Surg Am, 33(10): 1791-1795(2008)

[Differences between motor execution and motor imagery of grasping movements in the motor cortical excitatory circuit.]
Meng HJ et al. : PeerJ, 6: e5588(2018)

[Muscle strengthening for hemiparesis after stroke: A meta-analysis.]
Wist S et al. : Ann Phys Rehabil Med, 59(2): 114-124(2016)

[The cortical activation pattern during bilateral arm raising movements.]
Jang SH et al. : Neural Regen Res, 12(2): 317-320(2017)

[Variation in Performance Strategies of a Hand Mental Rotation Task on Elderly.]
Nagashima I et al. : Front Hum Neurosci, 13: 252(2019)

[Pain-Induced Reduction in Corticomotor Excitability Is Counteracted by Combined Action-Observation and Motor Imagery.]
Larsen DB et al. : J Pain, pii: S1526-5900(19)30054-9 [Epub ahead of print](2019)

[Dissociation between mental fatigue and motivational state during prolonged mental activity.]
Gergelyfi M et al. : Front Behav Neurosci, 9: 176(2015)

[The effect of monitoring 'processing style' on post-surgical neuropathic pain in women with breast cancer.]
Sherman KA et al. : Eur J Pain, 19(4): 585-592(2015)

[Cognitive functioning in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation recipients and its medical correlates: a prospective multicenter study.]
Scherwath A et al. : Psychooncology, 22(7): 1509-1516(2013)

[Adaptation to virtual prisms and its relevance for neglect rehabilitation: a single-blind dose-response study with healthy participants.]
Gammeri R et al. : Neuropsychol Rehabil, 1-14 [Epub ahead of print] (2018)

[Motor Imagery during Action Observation of Locomotor Tasks Improves Rehabilitation Outcome in Older Adults after Total Hip Arthroplasty.]
Marusic U et al. : Neural Plast, 5651391(2018)

[An algorithmic approach to structural imaging in dementia.]
Harper L et al. : J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 85(6): 692-698 (2014)

[Motor-imagery ability and function of hemiplegic upper limb in stroke patients.]
Morioka S et al. : Ann Clin Transl Neurol, 6(3): 596-604 (2019)

[Functional network connectivity is altered in patients with upper limb somatosensory impairments in the acute phase post stroke: A cross-sectional study.]
De Bruyn N et al. : PLoS One, 13(10): e0205693 (2018)

[Changes in corticospinal excitability associated with motor learning by observing.]
McGregor HR et al. : Exp Brain Res, 236(10): 2829-2838 (2018)

[Vividness and accuracy: Two independent aspects of motor imagery.]
Mizuguchi N et al. : Neurosci Res, [Epub ahead of print] (2018)

[Contribution from motor unit firing adaptations and muscle coactivation during fatigue.]
Contessa P et al. : J Neurophysiol, 119(6): 2186-2193 (2018)

[Cognitive dysfunction among newly diagnosed older patients with hematological malignancy: frequency, clinical indicators and predictors.]
Aiki S et al. : Jpn J Clin Oncol, 48(1): 61-67 (2018)

[Effects of Motor Imagery and Visual Neurofeedback on Activation in the Swallowing Network: A Real-Time fMRI Study.]
Kober SE et al. : Dysphagia, [Epub ahead of print] (2019)

[Effect of kinesthetic illusion induced by visual stimulation on muscular output function after short-term immobilization.]
Inada T et al. : J Electromyogr Kinesiol,27: 66-72 (2016)

[Motor Imagery-Based Rehabilitation: Potential Neural Correlates and Clinical Application for Functional Recovery of Motor Deficits after Stroke.]
Tong Y et al. : Aging Dis, 8(3): 364-371 (2017)

[V1 activity during feedforward and early feedback processing is necessary for both conscious and unconscious motion perception.]
Hurme M et al. : Neuroimage,185: 313-321 (2019)

[Early Post-stroke Depression and Mortality: Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression.]
Bartoli F et al. : Front Psychiatry, 9: 530 (2018)

[Supportive care needs and quality of life in patients with breast and gynecological cancer attending inpatient rehabilitation. A prospective study.]
Faller H et al. : Acta Oncol, [Epub ahead of print] (2019)

[The Central Sensitization Inventory (CSI): establishing clinically significant values for identifying central sensitivity syndromes in an outpatient chronic pain sample.]
Neblett R et al. : J Pain, 14(5): 438-445 (2013)

[Comparison of Brain Activation during Motor Imagery and Motor Movement Using fNIRS.]
Batula AM et al. : Comput Intell Neurosci, 2017: 5491296 (2017)

[Modulation of corticospinal excitability during positive and negative motor imageries.]
Yokota H et al. : Neurosci Lett, 672: 1-5 (2018)

[Subjective Vividness of Kinesthetic Motor Imagery Is Associated With the Similarity in Magnitude of Sensorimotor Event-Related Desynchronization Between Motor Execution and Motor Imagery.]
Toriyama H et al. : Front Hum Neurosci, 12: 295 (2018)

[Human mandibular shape is associated with masticatory muscle force.]
Sella-Tunis T et al. : Sci Rep, 8(1): 6042 (2018)

[The effects of physical activity and fatigue on cognitive performance in breast cancer survivors.]
Ehlers DK et al. : Breast Cancer Res Treat, 165(3): 699-707 (2017)

[Kinematic evaluation for impairment of skilled hand function in chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy.]
Osumi M et al. : J Hand Ther, [Epub ahead of print] (2017)

[Corticospinal excitability for hand muscles during motor imagery of foot changes with imagined force level.]
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[Major depression in stroke patients. A 3-year longitudinal study.]
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[Suppressing Systemic Interference in fNIRS Monitoring of the Hemodynamic Cortical Response to Motor Execution and Imagery.]
Wu S et al. : Front Hum Neurosc, 12: 85 (2018)

[Comparison of brain activity between motor imagery and mental rotation of the hand tasks: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study.]
Hamada H et al. : Brain Imaging Behav, [Epub ahead of print] (2018)

[Mental fatigue impairs physical performance in humans.]
Marcora SM et al. : J Appl Physiol, 106(3): 857-864(2009)

[The Study of Visual-Auditory Interactions on Lower Limb Motor Imagery.]
Yu Z et al. : Front Neurosci, 12: 509(2018)

[Task-dependent engagements of the primary visual cortex during kinesthetic and visual motor imagery.]
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